Arguably one of his greatest ahievements is the pioneering use of color in his color-based decomposition of Chinese Kangxi radicals and other language alphabetic character sets as evidenced throughout his abstract Revolutionary Radicals series, appropriating an organic decay process to semantic symbols of cultural elements and dimensions, in what some consider a magnificent 21st century dawn visual allegory of the end of China’s cultural revolutionary period and beginning of its reform and opening up policy initiated in December 1978.  In this regard, he admitted, “I’m most satisfied, as like a great piece of music where every note is essential, likewise is each stroke in this series of paintings.”

Viewers are seamlessly drawn in to explore an alluring array, variety and complexity of the many intricate passages and pathways embedded in the works of this refined abstract expressionist series, perhaps most reminiscent of rich exuberant enchanting forests.

The completion of such large-format works with aesthetic value and quality are testament to artistic competence and merit.

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